When you file for bankruptcy, you must show proof of identification and proof of your social security number to your bankruptcy trustee. These documents must be provided at least 7 days prior to your bankruptcy 341a meeting of the creditors.
You’ve lost your ID or social security card and want to know what are acceptable alternatives. You can use the following as proof of ID and SS number.
Picture ID
Proof of SSN
- State issued Driver’s license
- Government ID
- State ID
- Student ID
- U.S. Passport
- Military ID
- Resident alien card
- Mexican Consulate card (“matricula consular”)
- Social security card
- Medical insurance card (must have your full social security number on it)
- Pay stub (must have your full social security number on it)
- W-2 Form (must have your full social security number on it)
- IRS Form 1099 (must have your full social security number on it)
- Social Security Administration Report (must have your full social security number on it)
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for debt relief under the Federal bankruptcy code.